Ecommerce and retail industry keywords

In the COVID-year 2020, ecommerce turned into a fierce competitor for retailers and grabbed substantial portions of the markets. The retail industry had to adapt quickly, and many stores established an impressive online presence. Some of the big names have made it into the top list for top ecommerce keywords.

As for the top ranks, there are no surprises in this category. Amazon dominates the ecommerce and shopping space. The search volume for ‘amazon’ as a keyword is almost four times that of eBay, which is next in line.

Here’s an Intriguing Finding Specific to This Industry

Branded keywords don’t necessarily drive the highest traffic to the brand itself. Compare the keyword with the traffic leader for the keywords. The traffic leader Risk Managers Email Lists is the URL that receives the highest traffic share for this keyword in the industry.
Top keywords for banking and lending
Let’s hop over to a completely different industry. Online  banking is another area that has become increasingly popular in recent years. The sector received a boost during the COVID19 pandemic. Traditional banks are trying to catch up with digital services, and it seems they are doing a good job.

Paypal was a pioneer in offering selected financial products long before all this turned into a popular topic for discussion. It’s still the most searched keyword in this industry.

Top Keywords for the Insurance Industry

C Level Executive List

With digitalization advancing, insurance companies recognize the opportunity to offer more efficient services to their customers. Many companies also provide a wider variety of products.

Notice the high volume of organic vs. paid traffic CNB Directory share. This may be taken as a sign of a genuine need for online insurance services. Companies don’t need to invest a lot of money to attract visitors.

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