How to achieve a 51% increase in orders even in the off-season

Car rental is very easy from the customer’s point of view, but every car rental company owner is fighting with strong competition. Despite this, we increased the client’s organic traffic from Google by 78% and the number of keywords in the top 3How to achieve a  positions increased by 68%. Thanks to our activities, the client has 2.4 times more orders purely from unpaid Google searches.  car rental Case Study Client’s body 1. Increase monthly traffic from 3700 to at least 5000 from organic Google search. Perfect for 6,000. 2. Increase the number of orders from 34 to at least 100 orders per month.

Results of our work in attendance

business goals of the client 1. 78% overall increase in traffic from Google searches compared to the period before our collaboration a 97% increase in Belgium Phone Number Data off-season Google search traffic compared to the period before our collaboration The goal was to increase traffic to 5,000 visits per month within 12 months, but we managed to achieve How to achieve a this goal in just 5 months , when organic traffic reached 5,276. car rental attendance graph 2. 2.4 times increase in the number of orders from Google organic traffic alone compared to the period before our cooperation a 51% increase in the number of orders from only Google organic traffic even in the off-season compared to the period before our cooperation Google search is thus the second largest source of online orders.

The results of our work in the number of orders

Phone Number Data

We always met the client’s goal of at least 100 orders per month. car rental increase in orders from organic search Note: Car rental companies are typical in that Belgium Mobile Number List their main season is the spring and summer months, while autumn and How to achieve a winter are weaker, which can also be seen on the graph. 3. Results in the development of keyword positions 68% increase of words in the TOP 3 compared to the starting position 92% increase of words in the TOP 5 compared to the starting position keyword position development We achieved the results despite two serious obstacles Incorporating our recommendations and incorporating keywords on the web was time-consuming. It came to them only after 3 months of cooperation.

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