Microsoft Advertising Shares Three Health

Discover how you can set up your December campaigns for success and leverage New Year online activity with Microsoft Advertising Insights.

A global study done by Opeepl found that the most popular New Year’s resolution for people is to get healthier, which is often done through either diet or exercise (or both). So to help you prepare for upcoming Health trends, Microsoft Advertising Insights revealed their top

Three Health & Wellness marketing tips for 2023

  1. Target users searching for healthy, nutritious food options in January with In-market Audiences Consumers will shop for healthier food rcs data options in January. Microsoft’s internal forecasting data suggests that Organic Food clicks will peak during the week of January 14, so although you should ramp up your budget after the holidays end, make sure you don’t run out midway through the month. 
  2. Use Shopping Campaigns to showcase your Sports and Fitness Apparel products Microsoft recommends doing this in late November and early December during holiday shopping sales. Their internal data estimates that consumers will be most heavily searching for gear between the weeks of November 26 and December 3, but activity will remain high until January. 

    Complement your search strategy by activating Audience Ads on the Microsoft Audience Network Using Microsoft’s 2021 data as a comparison for what to expect activity-wise over the next year, we can assume clicks for Fitness & Nutrition will peak in January, May, July, and October. It’s recommended to have an always-on approach, since Audience Ads are shown to drive users down the funnel to search tactics.


YouTube Updates The Advertiser Friendly Guidelines and Studio Mobile App Capabilities

Gain clarity around what content is eligible for what is internal speech and how it works monetization on YouTube and access a mobile version of Research in Analytics on the Studio mobile app.

In response to creator feedback, YouTube announced updates to the Advertiser Friendly Guidelines (AFGs) to provide clarity and transparency around it. They also revealed that they’re testing Research in Analytics on the Studio mobile app.

YouTube shared the latest changes to AFGs and some updated guidelines, which they say “adds some clarity around what content is eligible for monetization on YouTube.” Here are the updates in detail:

Adult Content

  • Thumbnails, titles, and videos containing adult links, obscene language, adult material, and sexually gratifying acts may not receive ad revenue.
  • Policy enforcement around classical arts depicting sexual activities, sensual dancing, and sexual ucation will remain unchangd and may receive ad revenue.


  • Content showing dead bodies (without context), game violence direct at a real, nam person or acts creat to intentionally shock and disgust, and videos showing an impli moment of death, will not receive ad revenue.
  • Standard game play where gory injuries are present after the first 8 seconds, non-graphic tragies and their aftermath, or police seizures as a part of law enforcement can receive ad revenue.

Harmful or Dangerous Acts

  • Dangerous acts or stunts where minors usa b2b list are participants or victims may not receive ad revenue.

Inappropriate Language

  • All varieties of profanity are now treat equally meaning they are not differentiat bas on levels of severity. Also, YouTube is not treating words such as “hell,” and “damn,” as profanity anymore.
  • Content where profanity is us after the first 8 seconds may receive ad revenue. However, if profanity is us in the first 8 seconds of the video, then it will not monetize.

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