Most Videos Are Not Stand-Alone but Part of a Campaign

A video can be the centerpiece of a campaign that includes a variety of content assets. A campaign can also comprise a series of related videos promoting the same message or products.

Similarweb – Winning Moments

This example is one of six videos that belong to the same campaign. Each video promotes a solution package from the Similarweb platform and features a different sport. The heroes and features used are relevant to the specific target audience.

Why does it work? Similarweb specializes in competitor intelligence to help customers win over the competition. Sports represent the competitive business environment. Showing the user as an athlete turns them into heroes with the help of Similarweb.

Marty Mcfly’s Closet

Some campaigns are stories that start with a teaser video with the sole purpose of igniting curiosity. Additional clips provide more information.

What makes it awesome? The video works entirely Finance Directors Email Lists on associations. The shoes and the music are taken from the iconic science fiction franchise “Back to the future”.

Nike creates a connection to an exceptionally popular movie character and hero. By doing so, the brand creates an emotional bridge between the hero, people’s dreams, and the brand.

Trusted Access Explainer Video

C Level Executive List

B2B marketing videos focus on facts and data rather than emotion. However, at the end of the day, people make the decisions.

Here’s a great example of a B2B explainer video for a SaaS product. It presents and explains the features and benefits of Cisco’s security solution and addresses the human decision maker

Why does it work? The video uses professional but simple CNB Directory language and animation to illustrate the explanations. It’s structured to present challenges, solutions, benefits, and features. All this speaks to the business needs and rational decision-making.

Pay attention, though, before going into the technical details, it first appeals to the human. The video creator understood it’s necessary to present the value of “trust” before introducing the value of their solution to convince the target audience. Trust has interpersonal value and business value.

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