How to Add Photo to Frame in Canva

Frames are in-built tools on Canva that help enhance the image’s visual appeal. They allow you to incorporate color, effects, and styles into your photos. All of which will help ratchet up your creativity.

This guide explains how to add photos to frames on Canva.

Adding Photos to Frames on PC

You may need to insert images into a frame to perfect your designs on Canva. Thankfully, process is relatively straightforward. Here’s how it’s done on PC:

    1. Select the frame to which you want to add the photo.
    1. Navigate to the editor side list to data panel and choose “Photos.” If you can’t see this option, find “Apps.”
    2. Use the magnifying glass icon to locate the images you want to insert on the frame. The “Category buttons” under the search field can also help you browse the library for pictures.
  1. Select “Upload” if you want to use custom images.
  2. Drag and drop the photo onto the selected frame.

Adding Photos to Frames on Mobile

Mobile users can also add images to growth and expansion their Canva frames, making the option widely accessible for most designers. Here’s what you need to do:

    1. Select the frame you want to add a photo to by tapping on it.
    2. Go to the editor toolbar and choose “Replace.”
    3. Select “Photos.”
  1. Click on the “Search” icon and changsha mobile phone number list use it to locate the image you’d like to use. Go to the “Category buttons” to browse the library.
  2. Choose “Camera Roll” or “Uploads” to transfer images to the app. If an authorization prompt pops up from Canva, ensure you grant the app permission.
  3. Tap on the photo you want to insert on the frame to add it.

Rescaling and Repositioning Added Photo on PC

Once you’ve added a picture into a Canva frame, you may need to adjust its position or size to enhance the design.

    1. Double-click on the image you want to alter.
    2. Click and drag the white circle handles appearing on the corners of the picture to adjust its size.
  1. Reposition the photo by dragging it inside the frame space.
  2. Select “Done” to complete the process.

Adjusting Size and Position of Added Photo on Mobile

To rescale and change the position of the image on Canva is also relatively straightforward when using a mobile:

    1. Double-tap the image you want to modify.
    2. Drag the white circle handles on the photo’s vertices.
    3. Drag the picture inside the frame until you achieve your desired placement.
  1. Choose “Done” to complete the process.

Decoding Canva Frame Usage

It’s common to find your library overflowing with photos you can’t use. Since most images are one-dimensional, removing a specific element from the picture can be difficult. Luckily, Canva frames allow you to eliminate aspects you don’t like.

  1. Locate “Elements.” If you can’t see it, go to “More” and check the top of the section.

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