The Corporate Setting of the Video Unmistakably Identifies

The idea of placing the story in an elevator shows the top value proposition of the tool without the need to put it in words. It’s literally an elevator pitch.

Microsoft wanted to highlight how fast and easy it is to create a report and found the ideal location: while going up to the 60th floor of an office building. The camera shows the features in action. By doing so, the video not only claims Excel is fast and easy to use, but it also provides proof.

The phrase repeated by the older business people Accounting Directors Email Lists in the elevator, “My spreadsheet doesn’t do that,” presents an additional value proposition: This tool is unique and groundbreaking.

Smart Sleepwear to Help You Sleep Better

Pajamas – do you ever think about them? Not really. This video will change that; you’ll think about pjamas in ways you never have. The Mondgo video ad takes sleepwear to an entirely new level.

Why Do We Love This Video

C Level Executive List

The video ad follows one of the fundamental rules in marketing: If you have a complicated product, present it simply, and if you have a simple product, show its complexity.

The marketers realized they have a simple product, which no one thinks about in day-to-day life. They then offer almost scientific explanations of the material while presenting it in a sensually appealing way. Next, you learn how the material affects your body temperature and sleep quality.

The video goes yet a step further and showcases the CNB Directory benefits of the benefit. It reminds you that sleeping well impacts your quality of life. You sleep better; as a result, you wake up better and are more confident throughout the day.

Campaign video examples
Most videos are not stand-alone but part of a campaign. A video can be the centerpiece of a campaign that includes a variety of content assets. A campaign can also comprise a series of related videos promoting the same message or products.

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