The downside of this system is that users

Will have to have a very high level of trust in their software vendor and be confident that they will not interrupt service. In this way, software publishers hold customers hostage because all their documentation and workflow is in the hands of the software owners. Security and file privacy protection becomes more important than the introduction of the Internet into large businesses.

When an 800-employee company moves

to cloud computing, they should choose their software vendor carefully. This will significantly ruce administration costs, but will increase the risk of software, communication. Online security failures that vk data can have far greater consequences than a temporary workflow shutdown. Cloud computing is just starting to gain popularity and not all aspects of its use have been studi yet, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

Wondering what happen to local search results?

In this article, we will tell you how the search giant’s newly releas ranking algorithm affect local businesses and how the search results chang. For those who wonder why possum and where this name came from, the answer is qatar numbers simple. This name was given in narrow circles of SEO specialists, literally immiately after Google launch the update that we will talk about now on September 1, 2016. Phil Rozek suggest this name, emphasizing that many business owners were surpris that their companies disappear from Google My Business listings, although in fact this did not happen – they were filter and did not disappear anywhere. It was from this behavior of the search results that such a funny name appear.

The main point of this update is to diversify local search results

Eliminate spam from them. At best, partial prevention of discover how to apply this concept to connect with your audience spam in The downside of  search results. Note that Google has not made any big statements about this and the conclusions are made by enthusiasts from the SEO community. But it seems that this is the biggest update in local search results since 2014, when Pigeon was releas. Below we will tell you what exactly the features of the “possum” are.

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