Using artificial intelligence in working with texts

The use of artificial intelligence is a trend that has also spread to copywriting.

In this article we will look at:

  • how to use AI for writing texts;
  • what advantages and disadvantages does it offer;
  • how to formulate requests (prompts);
  • mistakes to avoid;
  • what AI tools are suitable for content buy phone number list generation.

What is AI Copywriting, Its Advantages and Disadvantages

AI copywriting is writing texts using the capabilities of artificial intelligence. Neural networks use machine learning algorithms, which makes it an invaluable integration of communication assistant in generating blog articles, advertisements, reviews and other texts necessary for business.

Advantages of AI:

  • high speed: a computer will generate a draft text much faster than a copywriter;
  • uniqueness: neural networks are well trained in rewriting, intelligence in working with texts compiling, shortening and expanding materials, which benefits their uniqueness;
  • stylistic imitation: some bots can adapt to the style of a specific author, which allows you to create texts in the desired tone;
  • structured: as a rule, texts generated by a neural network adhere to a clear and logical structure;
  • Literacy: AI makes almost no spelling or punctuation errors.

Disadvantages of neural networks . Artificial intelligence is not a panacea, but just a convenient assistant for a copywriter. All AIs make mistakes, which are still the task of a living person who is well versed in the subject matter. Common mistakes of neural networks include:

  • distortion of facts: AI can add information that is completely irrelevant to the topic, offer false facts, replace the characteristics of certain products;
  • language errors: lexical incompatibility, incorrect context, incorrect integration of keywords, punctuation inaccuracies, since artificial intelligence is mainly guided by the norms of the English language;
  • incorrect work with the technical specifications: this is possible, for example, if the technical specifications have a large number of inputs, not all of which are taken into account by the AI;
  • cost: most neural networks only work with a paid subscription.  

What opportunities does AI offer?

The functionality of neural networks in terms of copywriting is quite extensive. Artificial intelligence can help with the following.

Automatic text generation . You specify a topic, and the neural network instantly generates the corresponding content. These can be informational and mobile numbers commercial texts, posts for social networks and blogs, reviews, advertisements, product cards, and even short presentations. However, it has been established empirically that the maximum text length is 600–800 words. If you need a larger article, you will have to generate it in parts and monitor the coherence of the text.


Idea generation. AI can suggest ideas for articles and even intelligence in working with texts create a content plan based on a given general topic and analysis of user behavior on the Internet. However, it should be taken into account that the ideas that AI suggests are somewhat uniform. It is worth understanding that at a certain stage of filling, for example, a blog, you will notice the repetition of topics.


Content structuring. If a copywriter has difficulty breaking an article into meaningful blocks, AI will offer a clear and logical sequence of headings with theses that should be developed in more detail.


Selection of sources. The copywriter can ask the neural network to make a list of sources for a future article. A specific number can be specified. Otherwise, the AI ​​will offer approximately 7-10 resources for study.


Translating content into another language 

AI can process a significant amount of information, but the accuracy of the translation depends on the language and service used. As a rule, the more expensive the AI ​​service, intelligence in working with texts the higher the chance of getting text equivalent to the source in style and content, but most often this only applies to English. Most AI tools work much worse with other languages.


SEO optimization . AI is able to organically integrate keywords into an existing text. However, it is necessary to ensure that it uses them in the correct word form and does not distort the facts just for the sake of introducing keywords. When SEO optimization with the help of AI, intelligence in working with texts the rule works – the fewer keys in one prompt, the more accurately the tools integrate them. If you offer a bot ten key phrases in one operation, it will probably ignore some of them.

Improving the quality of content . The neural network can provide recommendations on spelling, punctuation, style and other parameters, which will allow critical analysis to improve the quality of previously written text.

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