Why Do You Need to Find Industry-Specific Keywords

Keyword relevance
We all know researching keywords is critical to find popular search terms that will drive traffic to your website. But what if most of the traffic volume for your favorite keyword goes to companies in a different sector?

That’s not an off-the-wall thought. If you run a health food store and have a special offer for organic apples, the keyword ‘apple’ seems obvious, but most searchers using it aren’t interested in nutrition.

The traffic volume for a targeted keyword may be impressive, but you can’t be sure that the traffic is related to what you offer or even the industry sector you’re in. It could be someone else’s brand name (and that’s just one possibility).

Keyword Specificity

You may miss valuable keywords that are specific to your industry but the search volume isn’t large enough to show up in your research when your tool measures the Audit Directors Auditors Email Lists Auditors entire web traffic.’Airplanes for sale’ is insignificant as a keyword unless you are in the aviation industry, and ‘fishboatgear’ only has potential when you are in the boating industry (you can check for yourself.).

But we aren’t only talking about professional jargon. You could pass over terms that audiences in your industry use more than in other industries. Each audience has its preferences and by analyzing keywords by industry you can discover what they are.

Keyword Potential

C Level Executive List

I know, to get more specific in your keyword evaluation you select your five top competitors or the industry leaders to identify additional high-potential keywords. But that’s a CNB Directory tiny slice of a big cake – more like picking the cherry off the icing. Keywords by industry overcomes this and throws up websites you wouldn’t regularly look at. It lets you catch on to new and special terms and trends.

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