How to work on your customer’s awareness levels and sell more?

Do you know what a customer’s awareness levels have to do with your company’s marketing strategies? Well, everything!

This behavior indicates how prepared or not a consumer is to make a conversion and how much they know about your brand and product to make an informed purchasing decision.

Understanding these levels of awareness will help your company create the most appropriate marketing action and content to connect with consumers.

What are the levels of awareness of a consumer?

The five levels of consumer awareness were brother cell phone list by copywriter Eugene Schwartz in his book Breakthrough Advertising in 1966. The concept is still used today to guide marketing strategies, so your brand needs to pay attention to it if the intention is to improve attraction and sales results.

The levels of consciousness are:

1 – Totally unaware
2 – Aware of the problem
3 – Aware of the solution
4 – Aware of the offer
5 – Totally aware

Now, explaining each of them, with marketing as a backdrop:

Totally unaware: the person has no idea that a certain product, service or brand exists or that they have a problem.
>Aware of the problem: the person has discovered that they have a need.
Oof the solution: the person already knows how to solve this need.
>Aware of the offer: the person has discovered brands that can help them and is waiting for an opportunity to close a deal.
Totally aware: the person liked the advertised offer and decides to close a deal.

In marketing, the goal of every company is to move a person from a state of total unconsciousness to full consciousness.

In many situations in life we ​​find people with different levels of knowledge about a certain service or product.

Want an example?

If we pay attention when we buy a pizza at a local store, we will find people who already know the menu and know exactly what they want, others who buy sporadically and take a little longer to make a decision, and still others who are setting foot in the place for the first time.

And each of them requires different attention. This applies to both the purchase of products and services.

But how can we work on consumer awareness levels?

Marketing has two important strategies that to no longer receive emails from the company together. On this journey: inbound marketing and content marketing.

Inbound marketing is based on the principle that people go through a kind of sales funnel . At each stage, they increase their knowledge. About the brand and its products until they feel ready to make a purchase.

This purchasing funnel has three important levels:

At this stage – top of the funnel – the person does not know. The subject or wants to better understand the problem they are facing.

Consideration of the funnel – the person already knows more about their problem and is looking for options to it.

Decision At this stage – bottom of the funnel – the person already knows they have a problem. Has the solution they need and wants to close a deal.

Do you see how this funnel fits very well with a consumer’s awareness levels?

What about you? Do you know how to make it email list move from one stage to the next until they reach conversion? With the help of content marketing!

This strategy consists of developing different types of content so that the person feels well-prepared to make a purchasing decision. This material can in the form of blog articles, videos, social media posts, ebooks, webinars, live broadcasts, spreadsheets, among others.

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