4 Monitor relevant conversations to find prospects

We suggest keeping only the most essential details about your business. This includes your “About” section and your photos and videos. Additionally, you should also give your audience the option to check out your groups, communities, events and Live videos.

Consider if hiding likes on Facebook is right for your brand

Hiding your like counts on Facebook allows users to focus on the content of the post. That way, they can judge the post asia mobile number list objectively and decide how to interact with it. As a result, brands that are just starting to grow their presence on the platform could strategically leverage it.

It’s finally fall–time for pumpkins

apples, hayrides and Halloween. But the first day of fall is more than an excuse to break out your cardigan collection. It’s an opportunity to leverage seasonal marketing to connect with your audiences. Bringing a little let’s say you sell cars and don’t want to spend autumn coziness into your marketing strategy is a great way to keep your content fresh and engaging. We’re breaking down key fall trends so you can get inspired for #pumpkinszn.

The pumpkin spice stronghold

You can’t talk about fall without pumpkin spice. The blend of cinnamon, ginger, allspice and nutmeg shows up everywhere as soon as the temperature drops. Pumpkin spice has defined fall for hundreds of years–even making an appearance in the first-ever American cookbook in 1796. In 2003, Starbucks released the classic Pumpkin cmo email list Spice Latte, creating a new generation of pumpkin spice enthusiasts. Merriam-Webster even added pumpkin spice to the dictionary this year.


With nearly 20 years of pumpkin spice frenzy

it’s natural to wonder if the trend is dying down. We used Sprout Social Listening to gauge public opinion on the flavor. In short, it isn’t going anywhere.


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