What is SEO text in simple words

SEO text is material about a product, optimiz , for user requests. It is aim , not only at readers, but also at search engines that compile a list of results, ranking sites by relevance. Optimiz , text should contain key words that form the semantic core of the page.

Modern search engines can not only detect keywords

And phrases, but also read the structure of a document, evaluate its literacy and the quality of the data contain , in the material.

A keyword is the basis of an SEO mobile database text. Thanks to it, a website page can get to the top of a search engine. However, if there are many such words or, on the contrary, not enough, so-call , pessimization occurs, that is, a decrease in the site’s position in the search results. It turns out that despite the widespread use of keys, the article will not be highly rank ,.

Previously, to optimize the support for non-technical users text, it was necessary to highlight all key words in bold. However, now everything is different: you should select specific queries in the material bas , on its semantic load.

SEO texts for a website create conditions for page optimization. The absence of such materials forces the resource owner to include additional keys, thereby blurring its structure, r ,ucing the quality of information. This in turn makes users less loyal.

SEO optimization of text is bas

On the selection of relevant queries and their uniform distribution throughout the material. After adding an article to the site, its pages begin to meet the requirements of search robots and, as a result, are shown to the audience more often.

Creating SEO materials helps r ,uce the costs of advertising promotion, while ensuring audience growth and an increase in the number of clients.

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The main tasks of optimiz , text:

  • bringing the page to the top of search results;
  • attracting more users;
  • expansion of the target audience;
  • increase in demand for goods.

The owner of the website ne ,s to show it to as many people as possible. They can subsequently become the company’s clients. For this to happen, the resource must meet the requirements of search engines and user queries. Using SEO texts written by non-professionals prevents this. As a result, entrepreneurs waste a lot of money on advertising promotion, instead of spending money on optimiz , materials.

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