The digitalization of companies continues and thanks to this phenomenon the labor market is also evolving, opening up more and more to digital professions.
The number of announcements in this area is increasing and among the open positions there are some that were rarely heard of before, or others that hide profound changes compared to the past.
Companies have now understood the need to keep up with the times, especially with regards to innovation (think of the AI topic – we wrote this in 2021 ), communication and advertising methods, the adoption of privacy-first strategies and practices, the relevance of tracking and metrics, etc.
It is no coincidence that, in addition to the increase in job offers and ever new digital professions , there is also a constant increase in courses and masters to help professionals to digitalize themselves, to keep up.
Continuous updating is essential ; in this regard we recommend that you keep an eye on the list of Web Marketing
Courses and Masters that we constantly update
Speaking of new digital professions: now that the craze for artificial intelligence has exploded, many companies are trying to implement these tools in their services.
They range from learning applications (like Duolinguí and many others), to e-commerce sites that focus entirely on adaptive algorithms to improve the user experience.
This technological revolution unlocks a host of new occupations, and also redefines and updates some more traditional ones.. Let’s look at some emerging professions…
The Role of the Artificial Intelligence Specialist
In fact, those who train as Artificial Intelligence Specialists in this period find thousands of open doors and very respectable economic possibilities. This new role can reach an annual income of almost 50,000 euros, but among digital professions it is one of the most complex .
It requires first of all an in-depth knowledge of the main programming languages (Python, C++, Java) as well as Machine Learning in all its aspects. It is not easy to find a similar profile, far from it!
According to LinkedIn, there are only 900 profiles in Italy that meet these requirements, at the time of writing.
To become an AI specialist, the first step is a degree in Computer Engineering which must however be integrated with courses in Cognitive Sciences .
Applications range from chatbot implementation to industrial automation system development
Cybersecurity opens up new possibilities
We cannot ignore safety at work, and in an increasingly advanced world we cannot ignore the technological side.
Among the most sought-after digital professions, cybersecurity is one of the “hot” topics. Two in particular are the most sought-after profiles:
the Cyber Security Consultant
the Cyber Security Specialist .
The first as a main role is responsible for analyzing the digital security measures adopted by the company and highlighting their vulnerabilities.
At this point, it intervenes to prevent possible malicious attacks and takes care of periodically reviewing the company’s IT systems, installing new security software if necessary and enforcing processes that protect the company’s assets and privacy.
Like other digital professions, this one is also well paid, and usually provides an annual salary between 35,000 and 40,000 euros.
The same goes for the Cyber Security Specialist who, however, takes on a different role. He mainly deals with Penetration Testing , that is, simulating cyber attacks in person to find the flaws.
In a certain sense, it is therefore similar to the figure of the Ethical Hacker . These are professionals hired specifically to challenge computer security measures and improve them based on the results obtained.
Marketing-oriented digital professions
The presentation of a brand has had to be renewed over the years from billboards to television commercials and finally to social media (let’s be clear: they are all still active and functional means).
Advertising now also comes from influencers and digital content creators who collaborate with small, medium and large companies.
This multi-channel nature only further complicates the work of the marketer , who must know how to navigate between very different communication tools and styles.
Today, this work, which we can now define as “traditional”, must deal with the impacts of artificial intelligence, knowing how to “ride” them without being overwhelmed, and without reducing one’s work to that of a mere “prompt specialist” for AI.
The material created to promote a brand – we know – varies greatly: images, videos, GIFs, newsletters or texts shared on social channels, podcasts and so on.
The skill of the content creator – or content creator – is knowing how to vary and create content that is always original, captivating and consistent with the brand they promote .
Emerging Digital Professions: The Field of AI
The communication channels to be used in one of the most creative digital professions are different; the difficulty lies in knowing what to activate, when, with what budgets and what contents, without forgetting the measurement and interpretation of data.
On the economic side, all marketing and communication professionals can exceed 30,000 euros per year, but it depends on the geographical area and the experience gained by each.
Another highly sought-after profile can be found supervising content creators : that of Content Manager (can we also call it Web Project Manager? Yes).
Its role is both to verify that the content produced is of quality, and to organize the work of the creators by establishing objectives and deadlines.
Are copywriters finished? No, they are not falling from the ranking
Among the most sought-after digital professions this year are copywriting professionals , especially those with expertise in SEO writing .
Developing texts for blogs or web portals so that they are positioned properly on search engines is a fundamental activity to attract customers or followers. Often these figures work alongside content creators to improve their content.
The arrival of the various ChatGPT, OpenAI, Bard, etc… does not endanger this occupation for the moment, but it must obviously specialize and know perfectly how to use these new tools.
To write in SEO key you need to know the use of keywords well, as well as the language; know how to monitor the results and adapt your editorial strategy. Therefore, an AI is not enough to replace a good copywriter…
This career can be pursued either within a company in the marketing division, or as a freelancer or in an agency. The average annual income can vary between 20,000 and 40,000 euros, approximately.
Cloud Management Professionals
We conclude this excursus on the most sought-after digital professions today with the figures who deal with Cloud management.
Cloud computing is an important ally of companies for database and software management.
To be able to properly manage this technology, however, you need to have experts to turn to; in particular, there are two digital professions that come into play. Here they are:
Cloud Operations Administrator
Responsible for automating tasks, securing data storage, and optimizing its operation. To work in this position, IT studies and experience with this type of technology are required. A mature professional can earn more than 50,000 euros per year.
Cloud Architect . This is the figure who manages the creation and design of the cloud system that will be used by a company from the front-end to the storage system. As with other digital professions related to cloud computing, he does not work alone but alongside the IT department. The average annual salary is also more than 50,000 euros.
Read also:
LinkedIn Profile: How Are You Managing It?
Advertising and Online Earnings: Take a Step Back and Let the Algorithm Do the Work
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