I today can perform many tasks: from data analysis to content creation. This allows to significantly simplify and speed up various processes that are necessary for the work of marketing companies.
What tasks can marketers delegate to neural networks?
Data analysis . A significant part of the work of agencies is focused on determining what prevents clients from getting more leads and increasing sales. It is necessary to monitor competitors, analyze and optimize the work of the site and social networks. A person can do all this manually for country email list a long time. Neural networks will cope with such tasks much faster. Here is an example of how artificial intelligence the work of marketers gets acquainted with reviews of the Ingate Group company, creates short summaries and describes the general impression of clients about the company.
Automation . Artificial intelligence also copes well with collecting information. Doing such work manually takes a long time, and there is a risk of making a mistake. Using scripts, you can teach neural networks to collect data.
Organization of work within the company. For example, Ingate Group has its own , which not only answers abstract questions and helps generate content, but also stores information about scheduled meetings, colleagues, coordinates project groups, analyzes team work and much more.
What kind of content can neural networks create?
Marketing companies produce materials that are necessary to promote clients. Content can be different, its format depends on what product and on what platform it is being promoted. Let’s talk in more detail about what exactly artificial intelligence can do and how useful it can be for a marketing company.
Promotion plan . This is a schedule that specifies the what services does a dates and topics of publications, as well as their format and features. Creating such a plan is the basis for promotion. This task can be delegated to artificial intelligence. If you want to get an optimized schedule, then upload data to the neural network about what publications were before and how often they were published, and also offer information about competitors. Based on this, the AI will create a plan for the period that you specify. In this case, the advantage of working with a neural network is that you can influence the results: set the number of posts and topics in advance or ask the artificial intelligence to think through everything on its own.
Writing texts .
The tasks can be very diverse. In some cases, clients need SEO-optimized texts. For this, you can use specially trained neural networks. Artificial intelligence can also create warm-ups. To do this, you need to upload data to the AI that will help it understand which tools are most effective. In addition, with the help of a neural network, you can write a script for a video or reel.
If you set audience parameters in text format, the robot takes this information into account and adapts to the potential interests of buyers.
However, at the moment it is impossible to completely delegate such tasks to neural networks. People need to check and correct the result. Nevertheless, technologies are improving. And now it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of effort and time required to write any text.
Image generation .
Visuals are an equally mobile numbers important part of content. This is what users first notice on a website or blog. Marketing companies can draw pictures or take photos themselves, and in some cases even use photo stocks. However, it is much faster to ask artificial intelligence for help.
Some neural networks are capable of creating very realistic images. Of course, the result is not always perfect. Often, people in such shots have sixth fingers or other strange the work of marketers features. Designers have already gotten used to correcting such details and do not see a problem in this, since it is still much easier than creating unique images from scratch.
You can also create a logo using neural networks. This is especially useful if the client wants to see several options. Marketing company employees may sooner or later run out of imagination, and the neural network will offer fresh ideas. Of course, you can’t just copy what artificial intelligence does and send it to the client. However, you can use the result as a source of inspiration, which will significantly simplify and speed up the work.
Working with video . Today, AI can already perform even such complex tasks. Neural networks perform color correction, improve quality, remove extraneous noise and create videos from photos, “bringing them to life”. And these functions are actively being implemented in various services, including video editors.
How a Marketer Can Start Using Neural Networks
Many employees of marketing companies and ordinary users are already actively using AI to automate tasks or for fun. However, not all marketers understand how to get used to working with neural networks and make them excellent assistants in any business. We have already considered what tasks can be performed with the help of AI, now we will focus on how exactly to do this and what is needed to overcome difficulties.
Training. Using neural networks is a skill that needs to be gradually the work of marketers developed. Most likely, you won’t be able to enter a request and immediately get the perfect answer. You’ll have to try several times and spend time learning how to give tasks correctly. You should also be prepared to read articles about neural networks, constantly learn something new from bloggers, and share experiences with colleagues. This is relevant not only for marketers, but also for all people who are interested in working with AI.
Choice$ .
Not all neural networks are suitable for marketers. Moreover, each employee works in his own way, everyone uses different tools and performs different tasks. Therefore, experience plays a big role in the use of artificial intelligence.
There is now enough information on the Internet about which neural networks are best suited for specific queries. However, not all advice will be relevant. For example, there are many services that create images based on descriptions and more. An example would be:
The same goes for neural networks for text generation and so on. The choice of artificial intelligence depends on the marketer’s preferences, the specifics of the company he works for, and the clients. Over time, an employee can form a whole list of favorite neural networks that he knows how to work with.
Going Advanced :
Many platforms work just fine without the work of marketers a subscription. However, if you have mastered a particular neural network and know that you can access advanced settings with a subscription, then it is worth considering this option. For example, Chat GPT and Mid journey are the most popular neural networks that offer a more comfortable experience after signing up for a subscription.